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Here are some basic Beginning Within principles:
- The only person I can change is myself.
- Be that which you want to see in others.
- Be healthy, don’t be right.
- I can own my feelings. No one can make me feel anything.
- To be free is to always take 100% responsibility by asking, “What are my choices?” Then choose!
- If I am angry I am wrong. To be enslaved is to be a victim. Never ever blame something else or someone else.
- Life is endowed to me for a purpose.
- We choose whether to embrace our purpose or run from it.
- G-d isn’t out to get us. He loves us.
About Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein
Aryeh Weinstein is a recognized expert in the science of Jewish spirituality. He is the host and creator of the Beginning Within podcast and beginningwithin.com. He has served as the Rabbi of The Shul at Newtown, a Chabad synagogue in Newtown, Pennsylvania, and as the director of the Jay Michael Swartz Jewish Learning Academy for the past 20 years. His style of teaching which is a blend of psychology, spirituality, clarity, and conviction draws hundreds to his courses. He is a member of the editorial board of the Jewish Learning Institute and has been a featured lecturer at the National Jewish Retreat. He is currently a second-term member of the Newtown Borough Human Relations Commission.
He published his book, It’s Within You: A Detailed Road Map to Igniting, Deeper Self-Worth, Richer Relationships, and Greater Personal Freedom, in 2019.
He is also a sought-after coach for men desiring to take ownership of their divinely endowed greatness.
In 2012 Aryeh Weinstein completed the monumental project of recording the entire Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, the Abridged Code of Jewish Law. The audio recordings follow a daily cycle which completes the study of entire Code of Jewish Law in one year. You can find many of his videos featured on the largest Jewish website, www.chabad.org as well as on the popular video site, www.torahcafe.com.
- I live in Newtown with my wife, an integral partner of my very being, and our 9 wonderful children.
- I am a work in progress just like everyone else.
- I strive to preach only that which I practice.
- When I speak, I speak to us, not to you.
- If I can identify with a challenge, some part of me is challenged by it too.
- I constantly seek to improve myself and share my discoveries with others.
- I never change others, only they can change themselves. I only hope I create change within myself and that I serve as the catalyst for others to change themselves.
- I believe that goodness and enlightenment will overcome and I strive to be a part of this realization.
- I live with a sense of urgency.
Special Thanks!
To Marc Smiler for shooting many of my videos! You can clearly tell which ones he’s shot!
To Marv Kaplan, a true artist who took my headshots for this site!
To Amanda Miller, a Certified Realtime Reporter, for transcribing so many of my videos and podcasts!