Myths, Misconceptions, and Urban Legends
Sometimes the truth can be stranger than fiction. Do Jews believe in Satan? Can a Jew convert out of the faith? Peering into a world of untold mystery, we’ll explore common Jewish myths rooted in non-Jewish beliefs, everything from the bizarre to the downright outrageous.
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It’s All Hebrew to Me
From abracadabra to kippa and Yom Kippur, this lesson dives beyond semantics into the depths of Hebrew etymology. We’ll uncover insights into seemingly arbitrary Hebrew names, and discover words that offer perspective into the heart of key Jewish concepts.
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Foods and Feasts
Ever wondered what it is about Jews and food? What makes food kosher? Why is pork considered the quintessential non-kosher chow? With tasty surprises along the way, we’ll learn a thing or two about Jewish diet in this mouth-watering, eye-opening session.
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Angels, Blessings, and Evil Eyes
What is the evil eye? How does it work? Are we accompanied by guardian angels? Do they have wings? Join us as we enter the hidden world of the occult and investigate the fascinating interaction between matter and spirit.
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From Womb to Tomb
Why celebrate a bar or bat mitzvah? What’s with breaking glass under the wedding canopy? Peppered with astounding insights along the way, we’ll journey from birth through burial, infusing meaning and relevance into the customs and traditions of the Jewish life cycle.
Fascinating Facts 1
Know Something About the Bible?
Is “an eye for an eye” meant to be taken literally? Was the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge an apple? Did the Jews actually cross the Red Sea? We leap beyond a Hebrew School comprehension of the Bible, as we explore the deeper significance of its stories and their profound lessons for life.
How Happiness Thinks 6
The Joy of Spirit
Exploring the Deeper Dimensions of Happiness
Research suggests that meaning and spirituality can make us happier. Why is this so? Discover how spirituality and meaning can help you take your happiness to greater heights.
How Happiness Thinks 5
When Joy Seems Elusive
Coping with the Pain of Loss
The loss of a loved one changes our lives forever. What can help us cope through these difficult moments of grief and bring us back to emotional equilibrium?
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The Joy of Struggle
Exploiting Our Shortcomings as Sources of Happiness
Our flaws and deficiencies can drain us of our happiness. How might we succeed in reframing our challenges and deficiencies as joy-inspiring opportunities of cosmic proportion?
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The Joy of Having
Learning the Art of Gratitude
Good fortune—wealth, beauty, genius, or power—don’t necessarily lead to more happiness. But is there a way to build joy from our good circumstances? How do we master the art of experiencing the goodness of life?
How Happiness Thinks 2
The Joy of Purpose
Facing Stress with Patience, Mindfulness, and Hope
Stress is an impediment to happiness. How can we rise above the everyday worries and frustrations, whether they are about the present or future, and retain our joie du vivre?
How Happiness Thinks 1
The Joy of Being You
Finding a Self-Concept of Happiness
How you think about yourself is crucial to your happiness. What is the self-concept that yields happiness, protects against the misery of low self-esteem, and avoids self-centeredness?
Paradigm Shift 6
Opening Our Eyes
The purpose of creation is finally within reach. Despite tensions in parts of the globe, revolutionary changes are taking place in technology, in politics, and in the human spirit—many bearing markings of an impending biblical redemption. How do we awaken ourselves to this reality—to recharge for the sprint to the finish line?
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Redefining Failure
We all make mistakes. Such is life. But why was it intended to be this way? This lesson explores how failure is not an anomaly in the design of creation, but the tool through which the highest form of success is carved.
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Syncing with the Divine
Who is the ideal religionist? The dutiful follower who submits completely to the will of a higher power? Or he who integrates, internalizes, and owns his beliefs–to cultivate a personal relationship with G-d, and become a leader in his own right? This lesson questions the foundations of our perception of religion.
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Minding Your Mission
We are all so alike, yet so different. Each of us was endowed with a unique set of talents and circumstances precisely because there is a specific life-mission for us to fulfill. How do you utilize this custom toolbox of fate and skill to decipher your individual purpose is in this world?
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Realizing Your Potential
The soul is not a recessive gene. With every movement of the body, its innate perfection finds expression. Discovering this for yourself will not only boost your self-esteem and improve your relationships, but will also lead you to demand more of yourself and push your limits to redefine what is possible.
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Seeing A Beautiful Garden
Parts of life you enjoy. Others, you just can’t stand. Without being naive, is it possible to see only the good in everything? How can we find the positive spark in old age, work, struggle–even arrogance, evil, and death? A sophisticated understanding of reality uncovers a world in which there is only opportunity, positivity, and goodness.
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Religion and Faith
Faith is not only the stuff of childhood. It can open us up to the mystery of life, the wonder that defies reason. In this session, we work toward a personal grappling with truth as well as a more mature, dynamic relationship with our Creator.
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Pain, Loss, and Anxiety
Pain can intrude on our lives at any time. All-consuming, it is a call for attention that launches the natural process of healing. We’ll explore ways of coping with difficulty, finding a balance between grieving for what has been lost and feeling hope for the future.
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Work, Charity, and Wealth
We all need to earn a living, but that doesn’t have to consign us to a plodding drudgery that leaves us feeling half-alive. We’ll explore the ins and out of job satisfaction, as well as ways to put money in its proper perspective and keep materialism from overpowering our G‑d-given, spiritual natures.
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Home and Family
Building a home, raising a family — these are the most important sources of warmth and security in our lives. Learn how to nurture and strengthen these vital bonds that embrace us with comfort and connection.
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Toward a Meaningful Life
Life can be a treadmill – as we go through the motions day after day without ever asking why or seeking what really matters to us. This course, prepared by the author of the best-selling book, Toward a Meaningful Life, is determined to change that. Here are strategies, tips, andsuggestions for not only discovering where your true meaning lies, but in actually making it a part of your daily existence. Whether you are dealing with family relationships or job satisfaction, this course will help you look beyond a crisis to find the lessons within. Most important of all, these sessions will help you see life as the mysterious, challenging, and satisfying wonder that it really is.
Discovering Your Personal Mission Statement
No business can function without a mission statement, and neither can you. This lesson will help you establish the foundation of a meaningful life — why you’re here, why you matter, and how you can make sense of the patterns of your thinking, behavior, and feelings.
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Marriage, Love, and Intimacy
How can you nourish the richness and depth of a loving relationship? We’ll explore the spiritual factors that can make a relationship greater than the sum of its parts — with a passion that’s eternal, purposeful, comfortable, and which truly reflects our Jewish values and attitudes.