Welcome to our premier podcast where I’d like to introduce both the podcast and myself.

Beginning Within is about life, it’s about your life, it’s about inspiring you and I to live our lives in as healthy a manner as possible with a special focus on our emotional and spiritual health. It’s about bringing clear and deliberate language to many areas of our lives which are often left ambiguous, leaving us susceptible to making unhealthy choices. A healthy life is essentially one where we focus and align as much of our life as possible on our purpose and mission. If you want to live a more deliberate, focused and meaningful life, welcome!
My name is Aryeh Weinstein, in my official capacity I am a Rabbi and a teacher. When I’m not hiding behind titles, I’m a Jew who is trying to use the energy G-d has endowed me to fulfill the purpose I was created for. I work on becoming more authentic and responsible and owning everything I think, say and do. I measure my success by whether I’m moving in the right direction. I’m a husband and a father as well as a mentor to many in my community in Newtown, Pennsylvania.
So what is Beginning Within? At the core of everything, all of our challenges and issues in life, especially in regards to our relationship with our own selves, others and God is the need to begin within. In brief this means that we need to stop pointing fingers outward and waiting for the people around us and the circumstances around us to change because none of those things are within our control. So as long as were waiting for those things to change we are effectively making ourselves victims of those people and circumstances. There is nothing more comfortable than sitting in a place where we disown responsibility and are not required to do anything. Beginning within is all about asking ourselves repeatedly the one question that matters in every situation. That question is, “what can I do about this situation?” Beginning within is about changing the one person we can change. Beginning within is about learning that by transforming ourselves we transform the world.
This podcast is opening with 3 podcasts. A new episode will be added every week. Each episode will be short and to the point and no longer than 10 minutes. I would love to hear from you and get your feedback. You can reach me at info@beginningwithin.com.